What Is The Happiest Day Of My Life? If I were to ask you: What is the happiest day of your life? How would you answer? Would you easily get to a single day or moment? Or would you have to juggle between memories and then weigh up which was the happiest? There are so

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I’m going to let you in on some of the secrets and science of smiling today. I’ve talked before about how I love the small things that make the difference, and smiling is definitely one of those. And smiling can lead to laughing and who doesn’t feel better after having a great laugh? It’s such

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Laughing for life is part of the natural order. Laughing, smiling, chuckling it’s all in us from when we are very young. Parents often recall the first time their baby smiled or chuckled. It’s important! You can find lots of videos on the internet with babies laughing at the simplest of things. Babies and children

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Small things make the difference in so many different ways. There are so many sayings around the small things that aggregate together into a larger collective.

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Why should you be decluttering your house to reap rewards in your life? Let me ask you: Do you have some things in your house that you don’t use? Or items that you have never even taken out of the box? Do you have more than one version of some items? Or struggle to get

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Sharp knives and life lessons! Who would have thought that one small tip passed on from mother to daughter would have such a profound effect? The Background About 5 years ago, I got the opportunity to spend quite a bit of time with my parents in the last years of their lives. It was an

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